进入第二节, 伊曼妮一开局便命中一记中距离投篮。但之后厦门陷入攻坚困境,此期间仅由马丁贡献了一次中投。在防守端做出不错表现的情况下,以致对手通过外线两个三分将差距拉大。经过暂停调整后伊曼妮强攻止血,并且李彤与马丁也相继得分。不过埃格博再次站出来连拿四个积分,上半场结束时厦门依旧以32-40落后三分。
最后决胜阶段开启之际, 李彤首先完成高难度的扣篮并带动团队反击,通过罚球与快攻缩小了比分。而祁罗及方卓雅各自命中的三分快速回复十几位数劣势,不过此后的努力未能限制住对手,从而始终维持在10左右徘徊。在经历激烈拼搏过后,第65分钟的时候结果还是锁定为74:65,让人遗憾的是再遭败绩
Xiamen Women's Basketball Team's domestic players stepped up in the absence of strong performances from foreign teammates. In particular, Huang Rouzhen and Huang Yaling both scored 7 points early on to keep the team competitive. Throughout the game, Huang Rouzhen contributed a total of 15 points with an impressive record of making all her free throws (11 attempts). Meanwhile, Li Tong showcased good shooting form by scoring 20 points on 9-for-16 shooting including two three-pointers.
This match also highlighted Xiamen’s rebounding prowess as they secured a total of 42 rebounds—6 more than their opponents—including an advantage in offensive boards with a count that surpassed them by five. This performance illustrated their fighting spirit throughout the contest.
The upcoming matches will see Xiamen facing weaker rivals Tianjin Women’s Basketball Team; it is hoped that players can take this opportunity for rest while maintaining peak condition to close out the season strongly with two victories!