(原文发表于2月10日,作者为露天看台的薪资专家Eric Pincus,文章内容不代表译者观点)
1. 2022年2月 鲍威尔被交易到快船
- 快船得到:诺曼-鲍威尔、罗伯特-考文顿
- 开拓者得到:埃里克-布莱德索、基翁-约翰逊、贾斯蒂斯-温斯洛及2025年活塞次轮签
This trade led to significant changes in the NBA's labor agreement, particularly regarding rules that limit the flexibility of high-spending teams. The Clippers managed to acquire Powell—a respected player—by packaging contracts involving mostly fringe players (only Keon Johnson remains in the league). This transaction is widely regarded as a catalyst for introducing stricter regulations on contract bundling among luxury tax exceeding teams.
2. 2017年2月 考辛斯被交易到鹈鹕
交换细节: strong > p >
【湖人获取】安东尼 · 戴维 |【鹿角兽收获】【朗佐 • 鲍尔 】 【乔希•哈特】|【 布兰登 • 英格拉姆】【德安德烈•亨特 签约 权】