Mourinho 教练彻底改变了我的场上位置,他给予我一线队登场机会。在与维罗纳的一场主场比赛中,由于很多球员无法参赛,穆里尼奥决定让我上阵。从那时起,我成长得很快。
- 跑动能力强
- 速度快
- A射门技术不错
C 罗一直以来都是我的偶像。而作为一名边翼卫,则特别欣赏佩里西奇。
B哪个教练或队友对你的帮助最大呢? strong > p >
< p > 我想提的是穆里尼奥。不过,要达到目前水平,每个人都发挥了重要作用。 p >
< p >< strong > 你 对 在 国 米 的 冒险经历有何期待? strong > p >
< p > 为获得美好的体验而来到这样一个优秀环境,这是我职业生涯中的关键阶段,希望能充分享受这一切 。 p >
< p >< strong > 在 国 米 队友 中 , 你 已 经认识 泽 林斯 基 和 姆 希 塔良 吗 ? 强 > P >
(当然) 很高兴再次遇见他们,与国家队不同,现在每天都有泽林斯基陪伴,非常尊重他. "面对重大赛事前, 如何应对压力?" STRONG /> I try to reduce my thoughts and clear my mind. You feel when you make your debut in the Milan derby and assist?“That’s a great feeling. It’s an important match that all Inter fans are focused on. I’m thrilled to have made my debut this way, thanks to the entire team.”
“What was your best moment with Poland?”My first national goal might be it; also maybe my national team debut. I work hard every day hoping to make my country proud.”
"Your strengths or weaknesses?"
There are many shortcomings but sensitivity stands out most for me while being kind is one of those good traits everyone loves about me.
"How important is getting along with teammates in the locker room?”
I’ve noticed how significant this aspect can be at Inter so far - unlike before where we were ‘senior players’, building relationships here has been easier since everyone welcomed me warmly."
“Which do you think matters more: talent or determination?”
Both aspects hold importance! Talent comes naturally whereas determination requires effort often unnoticed by others."