(原文发布于1月15日,作者是The Athletic记者Sam Amick,文章内容不代表译者观点。)






  • * 公牛即便周三晚上以113比119输给鹈鹕,也使战绩来到了18胜22负,这样他们排名东部第十——更重要的是联盟倒数第九。目前由开拓者占据的位置(13胜26负;比公 bulls少4.5个胜场)应当成为其目标。在诸如76人(15胜23负)与篮网(14胜26负)之间,有13支球队距离当前还不到四个胜场,这是一个混乱局势。
  • * 如果本赛季现在结束,那么根据统计数据显示,他们获得11号签仅有3%的机会,如果继续获勝,则这一概率急剧增加至19.6%,甚至提高到77.6%。从那之后,一旦错过,就只能承认失败。
  • * 近年来来看, 公 牛 的 胜率 (45% )远高 于 倒 数 第 六名 所需 的 勝率 。例如过去五年的底层球伍包括猛龙 (25 胜57败;30 . 5%) 、魔术 (34 胜48败 ;41 . 5%) 和 开 拓 者 队 < p > 除了对自我造成平庸状态长久以来探讨之外,这份由阿图拉斯 · 卡尼索瓦斯领导管理层,是唯一一家过去三年来毫无动作的新管理团队。而这不断的不作为正在引发那些对他们现有球员表示兴趣其他球队的不安情绪。相比而言,各大卖家纷纷采取行动,比如篮网已将多里安 - 芬尼 - 史密斯发送湖人与丹尼斯 - 舒洛德送往勇士。但至少目前看来的话,对于所有错误方式上的违反常理行为,全体成员应该深思熟虑一下. < p > 在主教练比利 · 多诺万看来,那枚珍贵未来草案所牵涉范围与实际表现根本没关系。“没人跟我说‘嘿,要保持那个状况,我们需要保证摆烂’,”多诺万接受采访时说道,“一直都是竞争性以及比赛完整性的体现。”不过他接下来提到:“我们确实不想陷入中游位置,(但是)考虑建设整体时候,我们必定要确认能帮助我们脱困走出低谷,并且持续向前推进的人才。我相信我们的阵容里面绝对拥有这样的实力.” < p > 无可否认的是、公牛若错失此次重塑阵容良机,将付出惨痛代价,更不用说像拉文这样表现优异、合同问题也逐渐缓解的重要人物,他平均每场可以得到24分、4.8个篮板以及4.4助攻,其投射命中率达到职业生涯最佳水准。同时尤为关键的是他的健康状态始终稳定。《The Athletic》曾报道称掘金对此29岁两届全明星极具兴趣。此外还有34岁的武切维奇,同样身兼双星身份,每晚都有20+10以上的数据输出,其中传闻勇士亦盯紧他。而27岁的鲍尔经历膝伤复归后,本赛季同样成为最受瞩目的复苏故事之一,今年薪资2130万美元,同时也是非限制自由球员待续约对象。这些因素皆值得关注! < h2 id="巴特勒">吉米·巴特勒 与 热火 冷淡 重聚 ?

    The slow progress of star player trade markets has seen Jimmy Butler's seven-game suspension nearing its end as he plans to return to the Miami Heat on Friday for their home game against the Denver Nuggets—a matchup filled with intrigue.

    A source familiar with Butler indicated that he does intend to participate in games again soon given his financial losses during this period totaling $235,000—this choice should come as no surprise.
    As far as negotiations regarding a potential trade involving Butler are concerned, Bradley Beal’s agent reiterated there is currently no deal being discussed between the Heat and Suns about his long-term client. Butler possesses a player option worth $52 million next season and will have other avenues open if trading options do not present themselves before then.

    如果俄 克 拉 霍 马 城最近通过压倒性优势赢得我们的首次 管 理 层 排 名 后 更加受到喜爱的消息不是那么令人满意的话 , 雷霆 最近还有另外好消息 : 谢 伊 吉 尔 杰斯 亚 厄 兰 达 向 球 队 表达 他 对 此 地区热忱 ,这种表达一定令雷霆内心温暖。 “ 我 爱 罗 克 拉 霍 马 城,我 不 能 想 象 自己 没 有 身处这里,”亚历山大 在 输 给 骑 士 战后的新闻会上表态。"对于自身境遇 I am very contented.I love my surroundings , these people matter most." "Every day brings me joy at work personally speaking market value isn't important but enjoying high-level performance matters more than anything else," said Alexander. At just age of twenty-six, SGA might gather MVP award after all while still having two seasons remaining on contract post-season ending which leaves Thunder poised well for impactful future ahead!

    Our versatile writer Tony Jones covering nuggets shouldn't be only one praising Russell Westbrook lately! While Jamal Murray struggled significantly throughout majority of season thus far it seems like former MVP proves himself an excellent partner alongside Nikola Jokic helping alleviate early pressures faced by team! Fast forward Wednesday night where Murray exploded scoring latest seasonal output reaching forty-five points whilst sharing starting lineup duties beside Westbrook who posted +22 plus minus rating further indicating they may finally find own rhythm heading into playoffs! With recent addition returning key interior presence Aaron Gordon back from calf injury missed nine contests previously indicates positive momentum building towards fourth place positioning within western conference standings too! This shines light upon how crucial role played by west brook often underestimated since signing summer-long lucrative two-year pact worth sixty-eight millions including players' opt-in clause coming following year definitely created expectations surrounding him!" 总结来说,即使面对众多挑战,不论是在内部还是外部环境下,无疑这些动态都预示着各支球队的发展潜力以及未来布局趋向,相信大家都会拭目以待接下来的进展!