1月9日讯 从上海上港的助教,到先后担任南通支云、大连人和长春亚泰的主帅,谢晖已经独立执教了五个赛季。在接受“懒熊体育”记者赵宇专访时,谢晖分享了他作为主帅这几年的心路历程。
谢晖:If I had the opportunity to coach a higher-level team at that time, I would definitely be willing to try. But looking back now, even if such an opportunity (to become head coach of a Super League team) existed then, it might have been too hasty for me as I hadn't accumulated enough experience. 有些人可能会认为以我的履历,从中甲保级队开始显得有点低,但是我并不这样想。我十年前带着青少年团队的时候,那时候不是起点更低了吗?此外,我还曾经指导同济大学足球队参加业余联赛。从退役以来,成为一名优秀教师一直都是我的梦想。在哪个层面能与自己达成共识,与自己的理想对接,这是至关重要的,也帮助我消化很多负面的声音。
I believe that the essence of happiness in coaching lies in waking up every morning and seeing the sun shining on the training field with players working hard together. Every weekend we compete; through our efforts helping them achieve victories and joy is what matters most to me.
记者:You were already 45 when you got your first chance to independently lead a team—do you think that's late? In Germany, many coaches start leading teams in their thirties—even Bundesliga clubs.