- 争议点1:瓦伦西亚门将是否离开了球门线?
- 争议点2:有瓦伦西亚球员已经进入禁区。
- If the ball enters the goal, it is counted as a goal.
- If the ball does not enter and hits the crossbar or post, only if there’s clear evidence that the goalkeeper's infringement affected play can a retake be ordered.
- If the goalkeeper prevents a goal from being scored, then a retake will occur.
- The defending player must clearly affect the kick taker to warrant any punishment for their team due to an infraction.
- The infringing player must touch the ball or contest with attacking players in such a way that stops them from scoring or creating scoring opportunities. li >
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综上所述,由于以上两条依据,裁判选择让比赛继续而不重罚此粒任意球。本文仅为对相关规则的阐释,不表达任何立场。 p >