最后一节邵炜昀多次命中三分,并且李祥波继续发挥内线攻击能力,使得广州市重新确立起双位数的领先优势。而此时的宁博已无翻盘机会。最终,北京时间今晚,在这场较量中, 广州以106比89击败了对手南京.
- 广州(6-10):
- 李祥波:20 分 8 篮板
- 邵炜昀:13 分 2 篮板
- 袁照耀:11 分 8 篮板
- 道格拉斯:17 分 11 篮板 4 助攻
- 沃伦:17 分 4篮板 8助攻 li > < li > 于米提 :3 点 ,6 个篮 板 和 两 次助 攻 ;< / Li >
- 麦考尔 :18 点 ,并 拿 下八个 籃 板; Li >
- 佟佳俊 :5点 ; 王映然 :1个籃 板及其 得到 的兩點; Li >
- < li >< strong>Ningbo (3 -10): < / strong > li >< ul class = " list-inline "> < LI STYLE =" LIST-ST YLE-TYPE:NONE;" >( M a q i )31 points,9 rebounds and four assists. R o K ai W e n scored five points with three rebounds . N ing H o ng Yu had two rebounds. Wang Junjie contributed three points along with two rebounds and two assists. Howard put up twenty points alongside his two boards and assist pair of twos while Ma Di Ang added nine to the scoreline coupled by eight r ebounds plus four blocks! W ang Z i Rui closed things off in that department scoring just t wo but dishing out six dimes whilst Ma Yong secured eights point s wit h seven b ords as Chang Lin rounded it all ou t wi th eleven p oint s f ive re bounds!